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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Kenapa ? Why ? Bakhet ?

hurmm .. tgk tajuk -kenapa dye curi duit kte org ? knpe dye curi ps2 ? why ? tak ckup ke ? tak ckup ke ,wahai manusia ?

msti korg petak kn? gini citenye ..
time bbq kt rumh atah hri tu , someone msuk kut pntu blakang and curi some money and ps2 .. and the manusia is our catering sendiri . hisshh .. ape nak jd ? suruh upah panggang ayam korg mncuri ! aiseh man .. teorg da plan da nak bli itunini .. but , lastly korg hancurkn angan2 yg akn mnjd knyataantu .. and hancor raya kiteorg .. hmm .. nasib2~

but , the happy thing is , tannish gather balik .. :)

and .. korg perasan tak ? raya tahun ni , tak sgmpak rye b4 .. asl ye ? hmm .. tak tau ! tak tau ! kayh thats all 4 now .. ;)